Welcome To The Harvest Companion

Laboring with you in the Harvest.

We Assist Local Churches In Reaching, Converting, And Discipling New Converts.


The Harvest Companion is more than just another tool or tract – it is a system of outreach that helps local assemblies effectively locate and attract hungry souls. This can be done with (or without) the use of social media.



The Harvest Companion will change the way you reach the lost. After equipping you with cutting-edge marketing techniques, we’ll give you all of the material you need to disciple the people that you reach.



The Harvest Companion comes with an extensive course catalog, as well as multiple methods for using each course. As time goes on, our course catalog will continue to grow – aided with valuable contributions from tremendous Bible teachers.



The Harvest Companion is fully customizable for the needs of each church. Administrative access will be given to the Pastor or a chosen surrogate, and course access for each student can be as broad or as limited as needed. 

Ready To Explore The Options For YOUR Church?

Click the link below to register for an upcoming webinar!